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Monday, October 15, 2012

The hipter dictionary (8-14)

Someone who listens to bands you've never heard of, wears ironic tee-shirts, and believes they are better than you.
"Julian is such a hipster!"
9. hipster 343 up, 169 down
A young adult who emigrates from a suburban or rural area to a major metropolis and sets about aggressively and semi-publically slipping and sliding up the steep learning curve of urban culture.
Two days ago I longed to be a hipster, yesterday I was a hipster, today I smile compassionately at hipsters.
10. hipster 4202 up, 2433 down
Referring to young people of around 18-30 years of age, who drink cheap beer (most often Pabst Blue Ribbon, on occasion Budwiser), smoke Parliaments, Lucky Strikes or hard to obtain foreign cigarettes (such as Gauloises) and take recreational drugs, coke being the most popular. Use a great deal of sarcasm, claim to be ironic. Are usually less than 5% body fat, drink copious amounts of coffee and eat children's cereal. Listen to Indie Rock, rely heavily on Pitchfork Media to tell them what's cool. Don't dance at concerts. Wear a mixture of thrifted clothing and items bought at American Apparel (commonly Tri-blend v-necks) and Urban Outfitters. Extremely tight jeans worn by both sexes, pairing these with either a band or b-movie t shirt and a plaid shirt/v-neck and a cardigan along with Nike hi-tops/Vans/Keds. Females often wear retro style dresses and racerback tank tops without bras. Eschew public transport and instead choose to ride fixed-break bikes. Often claim to know about literature and film - will have googled a good deal of Vonnegut and French New Wave cinema.
Look At This Fucking Hipster gives various good examples of Hipster kids.
11. hipster 596 up, 316 down
Hipsters are too cool for Urban Dictionary. You probably don't know what they use because it's underground.
The hipster's skinny jeans tore at the crotch, and it turned out he wasn't a man after all.
12. Hipster 3116 up, 1791 down
Aged indie kids, Hipsters still maintain the air of snobbery, still shop at salvation army, and still have a completely astonishing array of knowledge when it comes to obscure music, pop-culture non-sequiturs, and political sneers. Absolutely a blast to be friends with, hell to be enemies of, hipsters are the most bi-polar of all the stereotypes when it comes to how they treat you. Can be recognized by books like "The Clockwork Orange", "Everything is Illuminated", or obscure philosophy books, by authors akin to Dostoevsky.
"Dude, remember sarah?"
"yeah, that little indie kid, why?"
"i saw her in a coffee shop they other day, reading The Brothers. She now goes by Anthurium..."
"Oh, our little indie kid has transformed into a hipster butterfly!"
13. Hipster 38 up, 12 down
One who strives to do anything that isn't considered Mainstream solely to look different and hip. They usually drive a Scion or a hatchback. They still wear skinny jeans that they bought when they were emo. They usually work at Starbucks, any burrito place or American Apparel. They only watch documentaries or movies that are played on Sundance. They will listen to any music that isn't played on the radio. They tend to vote democrat for three reasons. One, they view Republicans as older people and democrats as the younger ones. Two, President Obama isn't white or old. Three, John Stewart is a liberal.
Generic College Student: Hey man what are majoring in?

Hipster: Liberal Arts

Generic College Student: You do realize that the magazine/newspaper industry is dying, right?

Hipster: No I want to be a blogger. What are you a business major?

Generic College Student: Yes.

Hipster: Pssh, conformist. Let me guess you are a Republican?

Generic College Student: You're an idiot. Let me know if you need a job later.
14. hipster 967 up, 539 down
usually someone in college or fresh out of college until about their late twenties who enjoys indie music, a good cup of coffee or tea, grocery shopping at an organic store and vintage clothe shopping. also enjoys local acoustic band shows, and enjoys indie flicks or foreign films with subtitles. they are snobbish about their music and political affiliations, and enjoy reading books.they enjoy traveling and culture in general.
someone who dresses 1/2 euro trendy with and attitude of "i still like to read". they don't label themselves as hipsters, yet some claim instead to be "ecclectic"

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